Hi Guys thought it would be good to pop over a chatty email about things and life.
Firstly, I hope all is going well with you and yours, and these 12 weeks of restriction have not been a burden and if anything, has given you a breathing space to catch up with yourself.
Well, its been in interesting six months for many including me. In December I had a heart attack after doing boot camp! Nothing to do with them and as a friend joked, ‘I told you exercise was hazardous!’ Hospital for five days then home and recovered quickly.
My first month after it was a mixture of moving from one thing to another as if I were searching to find the right thing to do. Trouble was, I’ve spent my life trying to find and do the right thing, nothing new there then, but this felt different. After the heart fun I knew I was okay, and everything was going to be okay. It was such a deep knowing I was surprised that others could not see that and that was the beginning of an awakening. The heart attack was not a bad thing, but actually a good thing, it opened me up to my heart energy! So now if you think I’m mad join the club, I was a little taken back also.
There are many stories since 16th December 2019 I have experienced and I will share some and how they have impacted not only my life and others, over the course the future emails to you.
One of the first deep knowing was “listen to yourself and follow that through” People would tell me how terrible my situation was, scary, how lucky I was etc etc. All well meaning but all negative in energy and had I dropped down into their world of fear based thinking, my life would have been quite different and one lived from misery. I could see clearly, they believed what they said and how it was like a stimulus for them to live, like the juice that kept them going. It was their unconscious mind doing it, but it shone like a beacon.
That gave me an opportunity to look at what I was putting into the world by my beliefs, thoughts, and actions. And that may friends was an adventure!
Here’s one for you, what are you putting out into the world everyday that is less than uplifting?
Let me know what you find, share as it helps others identify theirs and when that happens healing occurs.
Remember to Keep looking up when you walk, not down.
Love you
Until the next time.....