I love this film and if you take time to follow the dialogue and listen to the words in the songs you will get a very entertaining story of how a man’s ego plays itself out to the world and how it impacts the lives of others. Its an inspiring journey to watch.
In the film, Barnum seeks to show the world how he can entertain them through the minds intrigue with the macabre, the unusual and by putting it all together in an entertaining way, it not only makes him money, but it fulfils their curiosity and satisfaction.
Having created a successful show, he seeks the approval of influential figures to fulfil his need to be a credible successful person and one who they accept and acknowledge. In following his egos need for recognition from these people, his actions create a negative impact on the lives of others around him, including his family.
Barnum eventually gets his awakening from the loss of everything. He realises that the people he inadvertently side-lined to chase success and love, are the ones who truly care about him. That he was chasing rainbow dreams, so he would feel better about himself, feel loved and accepted by those who he thought mattered. His realisation was those who mattered were the ones close to him, friends and family, and he was loved and accepted - he found his pot of gold.
Such a mirror for so many people today, chasing things so they can feel better, feel loved, feel accepted and believe that living a successful life is having things, status or power. This mindset can be seen being played out everywhere from the shop floor to the board room, from kids to elders all seeking pleasure from the external rather than living from the love that’s within them.
Chasing rainbows for the pot of gold will always elude you. Instead, know you have your own pot of gold inside, and it's beautiful! Let your rainbow shine and others will see it and be drawn to you for who you are. Be yourself, walk in your shoes and fill your boots, it your life, live it!
Roy Martin MBE has been helping people transform themselves for over twenty years, guiding and mentoring them to develop lives and businesses that have meaning, purpose and are successful. He helps people gain focus and direction to follow their inner calling and talents whether that’s personally, professionally or in business.
Roy teaches life with a spiritual understanding of the 'More of Life' that transcends the minds ego needs. He helps people connect with their inner guide, talents and skills to live their life that has meaning and purpose. By following their calling in life, most find what they do, has an impact and touches the lives of others. Its a transformational process.
He runs personal mentorship programmes, events and gives talks inspiring people to live the ‘More of life’ that is filled with meaning and success.