I know stuff! I have known stuff for years, in fact from a young age I had experiences of life that transcended the logical world I was taught to believe. I never told anyone as I did not want to be ridiculed and rejected. So, I like many others, kept it quiet and said nothing! I joined the silent community who had a connection with the ‘more of life’, that deep intuitive knowing, but few spoke about it. Interestingly, it began a journey of seeking the truth of what I had hidden, and I found myself drawn to people with similar experiences.
I found that these people tended to have had challenging lives with a commonality of being big hearted, caring and kind. Most felt anger or frustration inside and either became what the psychologist label as introverted or extroverted as a way of coping and living in the world that didn’t get them. They found it challenging to express themselves, who they truly were, so hid in a characteristic, label and persona to be accepted, loved or seen or they hid. They had become seekers to find a way out of where they were.
It is easy to try and create a persona to interact in the world. Everyone is doing it, so its normal, people copy people, the zeitgeist keeps moving and people, like sheep, follow. So, to seek answers we read books, attend talks, seminars, events, workshops to gain knowledge. It becomes a kind of mission, a lifestyle this seeking malarkey! It engulfs us to the point our ego insecurities develop a belief, “we are not there yet”. But in truth we do not know where ‘there’ is and the fact we have set up a vibration of “we are not there yet” creates a belief “we are not enough”. This gets reinforced and the seekers becomes stuck in a world of their creation, going around the same circle constantly feeding the same law of vibration energy!
When we move away from the minds need to seek and open to life that is without judgement, a ‘letting go’ of the ego’s constant need to control, we find ‘life’ the ‘more of life’. We experience an understanding that there is nothing to do, no one to be, nothing to achieve and we see ourselves to be perfect. We are not attached to the needs of the world and live being ‘true to who we are’ and follow the inner guidance and live in a state of happiness, where we flourish and thrive. We are enough, there is nothing for us to achieve, we are already perfect. What we have been seeking all these years has been inside of us, but we did not recognise it.
I can imagine the egos shouting rubbish and throwing countless rebuffs and justifications to hold onto beliefs and need to control. Yet have we not all been asleep since childhood believing the programming and following its ways, buts it’s not the truth. The pain and suffering we experience, the emotional imbalance the doubts we feel come from the conflict between the strong minds need to be in control and our inner intuitive knowing. We are constantly acting to satisfy our minds needs instead of living our hearts desire and intuitive calling. It’s acceptance, it’s letting go of the need to be in control, it’s opening the door and allowing the real you to shine!
To start your transformational process identify and list the things that are important to you. Your passions and things that bring a big smile across your face and a buzz or glow inside. Begin to give these things more of your time and energy. If you are unable to physically do them then sit quietly and visualise them and feel their energy. Focusing on these things will uplift you and start to rewrite the old programmes, life will begin to feel different, also consciously ‘let go’ of the negative thoughts and emotions that may arise.
Roy teaches life with an understanding of the 'More of Life' that transcends the minds ego needs. He helps people connect with their inner guide, talents and skills to follow their calling in life. Most find that what they do touches the lives of others. Its a transformational process.